
We are committed to seven principles

As Austria Guides For Future, we are an alliance of Fridays For Future Austria and support the movement and its goals at regional, national and global level. To this end, we have formulated our own principles in line with our self-image and field of activity as tour guides. We are committed to these seven principles.

1. We contribute to raising awareness for a climate-friendly future through our climate-friendly, creative city tours.

2. We are committed to meeting the 1.5° target of the Paris Climate Agreement and to global climate justice.

3. We are continuously working to reshape our professional sector by identifying new scope for action.

4. We engage in constructive dialog with guests, experts and decision-makers.

5. We are committed to climate-friendly mobility.

6. We strive for the mandatory inclusion of climate protection topics in the training and further education of Austria Guides.

7. We are self-organized and politically independent.