We make climate protection visible!
Vienna as a city of culture and climate protection
The cultural metropolis of Vienna is responding to climate change with creative, innovative projects. Explore them together with the Austria Guides For Future®! Our multi-faceted tours will take you through the Vienna of the future, where climate justice can become a reality in all areas of life. We look forward to seeing you!
Current Dates
Here you can find dates for our current public tours. For booking please write us an email.
Our tours
Do you know the Stadtwildnis (urban wilderness) in Simmering, the world’s second highest wooden skyscraper and Vienna’s many green facades? The Austria Guides For Future® will guide you to the most environmentally friendly places in Vienna.
Die Austria Guides For Future
We are a self-organized team of Austria Guides who want to contribute to environmental and climate protection through our activities.
As Austria Guides For Future® we commit to seven principles in our work.